Keith Yoho, DC

Recreational Endurance Athlete. Professional Beer Specialist.

Keith is a chiropractor and co-owner of Total Performance, a clinic/gym hybrid located in Southern Oregon. Keith has a background in athletics, as a collegiate swimmer, professional triathlete and coach with Texas A&M women's swim team. His background in athletics and interest in healthcare has strongly influenced his approach to improving human movement with the goals of decreasing pain and improving performance to help clients maximize their lifestyle.

Keith Yoho, DC

Recreational Endurance Athlete. Professional

Beer Specialist.

Keith is a chiropractor and co-owner of Total Performance, a clinic/gym hybrid located in Southern Oregon. Keith has a background in athletics, as a collegiate swimmer, professional triathlete and coach with Texas A&M women's swim team. His background in athletics and interest in healthcare has strongly influenced his approach to improving human movement with the goals of decreasing pain and improving performance to help clients maximize their lifestyle.

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All rights reserved • 702-487-8874