Dan Swinscoe, PT

Essentially he's Yoda. With less wrinkles.

Dan Swinscoe is a physical therapist and strength and conditioning specialist. For over 30 years Dan has dedicated his professional life to movement, training and rehabilitation.

Aside from manual therapy certifications, he has advanced certifications for training with barbells, sandbags and kettlebells and teaches his own course called “Kettlebells for Clinicians.” He is also a level 3 Golf Medical and level 3 golf Fitness Professional through the Titleist Performance Institute, Certified in Golf Fitness through Golf Digest, is a Level 1 Performance Coach through USA Weightlifting and a certified Clinical Weightlifting Coach.

Dan works with everyday individuals, junior athletes and professional athletes.

His has a physical therapy practice in Scottsdale, AZ called Train2Win where the slogan is “move better, feel better, play better.”

Dan Swinscoe, PT

Essentially he's Yoda. With less wrinkles.

Dan Swinscoe is a physical therapist and strength and conditioning specialist. For over 30 years Dan has dedicated his professional life to movement, training and rehabilitation.

Aside from manual therapy certifications, he has advanced certifications for training with barbells, sandbags and kettlebells and teaches his own course called “Kettlebells for Clinicians.”

He is also a level 3 Golf Medical and level 3 golf Fitness Professional through the Titleist Performance Institute, Certified in Golf Fitness through Golf Digest, is a Level 1 Performance Coach through USA Weightlifting and a certified Clinical Weightlifting Coach.

Dan works with everyday individuals, junior athletes and professional athletes.

His has a physical therapy practice in Scottsdale, AZ called Train2Win where the slogan is “move better, feel better, play better.”

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All rights reserved • 702-487-8874